Good morning! If you all are looking for something to do with the family this weekend why not try out the light park at Osage Beach City Park, Also First Family Church will be having their Christmas service this Sunday called the "Star". Services start at 9am and 10:45am there are activities for all ages, it's going to be great so don't miss this opportunity! Joke of the day! About two weeks before Christmas, a little Catholic boy decided to write a letter to Santa. He started "Dear Santa...", he thought "No, I will go to a higher authority", so he decided to write a letter to Jesus. "Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas, I will be good for two weeks.." "NO NO NO NO I can't be good for two weeks", he thought to himself. So he started all over again... "Dear Jesus, If you get me a bike for Christmas I will be good for one week." "NO NO NO NO I can't be good f...