How to Quickly Bounce Back from Your Lake Vacation

After a wonderful, long weekend vacation at the Lake of the Ozarks, now it's time to get back to reality, and sometimes it can be hard. There are a few ways you can encourage your body back into the same old routine, as well as organize your belongings to make the transition less stressful on yourself. At Keys to the Lake we want to help with every aspect of your vacation, and coming back home can be just as crazy as all of the planning you did before hand. Here are some great ideas to make the transition easier whether from a weekend or a whole week away.

Back Up Your Photos

This is an important step for anyone that is a shutter bug. If you've spent the weekend capturing thousands of fun memories from your trip, don't hesitate backing them up on your computer or external drive. If you only used your phone there are several apps out there that will back up your photos as you take them so there's no chance you lose a single second.

Take All Bags Straight to the Laundry

This can be one of the most overwhelming parts of coming home from a vacation - the huge piles of never-ending laundry. If you drag everything straight to the washer and start the loads, it can make the transition back home a little smoother, thus making you feel a whole lot less stressed. Plus, while the clothes are washing and drying you can multi-task and accomplish other things.

Make a Game Plan

When you get home, take a second to assess everything around your home and see what needs to be done immediately. If your sink is still full of dirty dishes, or your basement flooded from the rain, you may want to attend to those projects first. While mowing the lawn or vacuuming the carpets aren't really on the top priority list, and can probably be postponed for a day or two.

Have A Meal Prepared in the Freezer

This is a very easy thing to do before you leave. Give yourself one less thing to worry about by having a food plan in place, and it can also save some time and money by keeping you from having to run right back out for food.

Stick To Your Old Routine

There's nothing that will make you feel more at home than falling quickly back into your old routine. Wake up at your usual time, and keep to the routine you managed before your vacation. Do you normally work out in the mornings? This is a great time to consistently keep up with that so you can get your body back into the normal routine, and make you feel better if your eating habits differed a lot over the vacation.

Plan the Best Vacation at the Lake of the Ozarks

Keys to the Lake provides you with not only the best vacation condos at the Lake of the Ozarks but the information that you need to make you vacation the best. Aside from connecting you with the best vacation homes, we also provide other Keys to the Lake for you through real estate, property management, and more. If you're ready to get started, visit our website for more information, or give us a call at 573-964-KEYS (5397).

"We don't aspire to be the largest company in the region. Rather, we are determined to be the best at what we do!" ~ Mark Krantz, Owner

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